Sr No. | Description | View/Download |
1 | Right to Information Act Hindi Version | Right to Information Act Hindi Version (File Size) |
2 | Right to Information Act English Version | Right to Information Act English Version (File Size) |
3 | RTI Rules amendment 2021 | RTI Rules amendment 2021 (File Size) |
4 | RTI Rules – 2005 | RTI Rules – 2005 (File Size) |
5 | Amendment in Haryana Right to Information Rules,2009.(Regarding Identity proof). | Amendment in Haryana RTI Rules,2009.(Reg.Identity proof). |
Right to Information
Sr. No. | Name of Officer with Designation (Smt./Shri) | Offce Tel. No. | EPBX No | E-Mail ID |
1 | Sh. Sombir Singh, Chief Scientific Engineer | 0172-2587233 | 112 | sombir.singh-hry[at]hry[dot]gov[dot]in |
Sr. No. | Title/Description | Date | Orders |
1 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- regarding RTI application of Smt. Roshni Devi | 26/10/2023 | Roshni Devi Order |
2 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- regarding RTI application of Sh. Indraj Singh S/o Sh. Panna Ram | 26/10/2023 | Indraj Singh Order |
3 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- regarding RTI application of Sh. Subhash Chander, Steno, Office of DNRE, Kaithal | 26/10/2023 | Subhash Orders |
4 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- Regarding RTI application of Sh. Lakhan Singh Kushwaha | 26/02/2024 | Lakhanpal Orders |
5 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- Regarding RTI application of Sh. Ajit Singh | 12/03/2024 | Ajit Singh Orders |
6 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- Regarding RTI application of Sh. Ajit Singh | 14/06/2024 | Ajit Singh Orders |
7 | Order of first Appeal under Section 19(1) of the Right to Information Act,2005-Regarding RTI Application of Smt. Sureshmunni Jakhar W/o Jai Narayan Jakhar | 02/07/2024 | Sureshmunni Jakhar Orders |
8 | Order of first Appeal under Section 19(1) of the Right to Information Act,2005-Regarding RTI Application of Sh. Devender Singh S/o Sh.Jile Singh | 22/08/2024 | Sh. Devender Singh Orders |
9 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- regarding RTI application of Sh. Laxman Singh S/o Sh. Bhagwana Ram | 11/10/2024 | Sh. Laxman Singh Orders |
10 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- regarding RTI application of Sh. Balwant Kumar S/o Sh. Shishpal. | 13/11/2024 | Sh. Balwant Kumar Orders |
11 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- regarding RTI application of Sh. Jagdish Chander Lamba S/o Sh. Juglal Lamba. | 05/03/2025 | Sh. Jagdish Chander Lamba Orders |
12 | Order of First Appeal under Section 19 (1) of the Right to Information Act, 2005- regarding RTI application of Sh.Varun Kumar S/o Sh. Vazir Chand. | 05/03/2025 | Sh. Varun Kumar Orders |
Sr. No. | Name of Officer with Designation (Smt./Shri) | Offce Tel. No. | EPBX No | E-Mail ID |
1 | Sh.Vishal Bhatnagar,Scientific Engineer-A | ———– | ——– | |
Sr. No. | District | Name OF PO | E-mail of PO | Office E-mail | ADC office Tel.No. | |
1 | Ambala | Rajinder Kumar (A.C) | raj_buswal[at]yahoo[dot]com | amb.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 0171-2535900, 2530800 | |
2 | Bhiwani | Subhash Saini(AC) | apobhiwani[at]gmail[dot]com | bhw.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01664-245061 | |
3 | Charkhi Dadri | Subhash Saini | subhashsaini.68[at]gmail[dot]com, adccharkhidadri[at]gmail[dot]com | dri.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01250-221220 | |
4 | Faridabad | Varender Singh (A.C) | varendersingh[at]gmail[dot]com | fbd.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 0129-2227922, 2221530, 2227922 | |
5 | Fatehabad | Indraj Singh (A.C) | indraj1968[at]yahoo[dot]com | ftb.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01667-230007, 230737 | |
6 | Gurgaon | Parmod Vaishnav | ————– | grg.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 0124-2322211, 2339658 | |
7 | Hisar | Sanjeev Kumar Nain | —————– | hsr.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in, adityasolar.hisar[at]gmail[dot]com | 01662-226384 | |
8 | Jhajjar | Kuldeeep Singh (AC) | ————– | jjr.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01251-252540 | |
9 | Jind | Indraj Singh(A.C) | drejind[at]gmail[dot]com | jnd.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01681-245320, 249801, 246321 | |
10 | Kaithal | Ajay Kumar (A.C) | ktl.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | ktl.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in, dre.kaithal[at]gmail[dot]com | 01746-234203, 234608 | |
11 | Karnal | Rajesh Kumar Hooda(AC) | smilyrajesh[at]rediffmail[dot]com | krl.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 0184-2267351, 2266110 | |
12 | Kurukshetra | Ajay Kumar | krk.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | krk.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01744-226612, F-220756 | |
13 | Mahendergarh (Narnaul) | Sandeep Yadav | sandeepy1982[at]gmail[dot]com | nrl.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in, po.dremgarh[at]gmail[dot]com | 01282-251253, 254355, 251200, 250423 | |
14 | Mewat (Nuh) |
nuh.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in, adcnuh[at]gmail[dot]com | 01267-274603, 274606 | ||
15 | Palwal | Varender Singh | varendersingh[at]gmail[dot]com | pwl.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01275-248908, 248909 | |
16 | Panchkula | Rajinder Kumar | raj_buswal[at]yahoo[dot]com | pkl.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 0172-2571771, 2582337 | |
17 | Panipat | Rajesh Kumar Hooda | smilyrajesh[at]rediffmail[dot]com | pnp.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in, drdapnp[at]hry[dot]nic[dot]in | 0180-2650881, 2658048, 2630152 | |
18 | Rewari | Subhash Chand Saini | lalbanwari000[at]gmail[dot]com | rwr.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01274-222444, 225240 | |
19 | Rohtak | Subeer Singh Sangwan | sssangwan.dre[at]gmail[dot]com | roh.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01262-247245, 247589 | |
20 | Sirsa | Sanjeev Kumar Nain | srs.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 01666-247235, 247245 | ||
21 | Sonipat | Kuldeep Singh |
pore5snp[at]gmail[dot]com kuldeepchillar75[at]gmail[dot]com |
snp.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in | 0130-2222700, 247245 | |
22 | Yamuna Nagar | Sukhchain Singh(A.C) | sukhchain.singh-hry[at]hry[dot]gov[dot]in | ynr.nre-hry[at]gov[dot]in, adcynr[at]hry[dot]nic[dot]in | 01732-237802, 225000 |