CFL Based SPV Home
The system is based on solar Photovoltaic Technology which converts the sunlight energy into DC electricity through solar cells. The generated electricity is to be stored in the batteries and can be used to run lights and fan during night hours. The system consists37 watt solar panel, two 9 watt CFL, one 20 watt 12” DC fan, 12 volt 40Ah tubular lead acid battery, working for 2 -3 hours per day.
- Product Cost : Rs. 9700/-
- State Subsidy : Rs. 5000/-
- User Share : Rs. 4700/-
- Eligibility : All categories of individual beneficiaries & non profit institutions/ organization. No individual would be given more than one system
- Document : hareda949252409.doc
Contact Details
Address: Ministry of New & Renewable Energy(MNRE), Block No.14, CGO Complex, lodhi Road, New delhi-110003 Website: