


    New and Renewable Energy Department, Haryana is implementing a LED Based SPV Street Lighting Scheme with the objective to reduce the dependence on conventional power for street lighting in rural area of the State. This is a demand-based scheme for which proposals are invited through respective Addl. Deputy Commissioner-cum-Chief Project Officers of the districts from the interested and eligible non-commercial institutions/organizations, Zila Parisads, Gram Panchayats, Block Samitis etc. Under this scheme, after receipt of user share over and above the State Subsidy, work orders are placed by the Department / HAREDA with the suppliers approved by the High-Powered Purchase Committee through an open bidding process.

    Under the Scheme, two systems namely LED Based Solar Street Lighting Systems and LED Based Solar High Mast Lighting Systems are to be provided with the technical specifications as under:-

    • LED Based Solar Street Lighting System: SPV module of 75 Wp, 12.8 volt 30 Ah Lithium Ferro Phosphate battery,    12 Watt White LED Luminaire and  Pole of 5 Meter above ground level with dusk to dawn operation {first 4 hours full light (min. 24 lux) , rest of the time at  lower  light (50% Min. 12 lux) level} & 3 days or minimum 36 operating hours autonomy.
    • LED Based Solar High Mast Lighting Systems: SPV module of aggregate capacity 440 Wp, Lithium Ferro Phosphate battery of 12.8 Volt 200 Ah, White Light Emitting Diode (W-LED) 4×22, pole of 7.0 meter height of hot deep Galvanized Iron   Octagonal in single length with inbuilt dimming provision in the Charge Controller for first 3 hours full light (min. 8.0 lux), 60% for next 3 hours (min. 5 lux) and rest of   time at lower light (50%, min. 4 lux) level.

    State subsidy @ Rs. 4,000/- per LED Based Solar Street Lighting System and Rs. 20,000/- per LED Based Solar High Mast Lighting System is provided under this scheme and cost, over & above subsidies is the user share.

    Rate contract has been issued by the Directorate of Supplies & Disposals (DS&D) Haryana in favour of the approved bidders vide Memo No. 36/HR/RC/G-2/2021-22/9171 dated 08.12.2022.   Following are the approved rates and cost breakup of the systems:-



    Name of the system Total cost per unit State share per unit Tentative Qty

    ( In nos)

    User/ beneficiary share per unit
    1. (i) LED Based Solar Street Lighting System ( without RMS)

    (ii)  LED Based Solar Street Lighting System (with RMS)

    Rs. 16,500/-


    Rs. 14,410/-

    Rs. 4,000/- 5,000 Nos.

    (incl. 10% with RMS)

    Rs. 12,500/-


    Rs. 10,410/-

    2. LED Based High Mast Lighting System Rs. 1,06,000/- Rs. 20,000/- 300 Nos. Rs. 86,000/-

    At least 10% of the ordered solar street lights (i.e. 500 nos. of the total indented qty of 5,000 nos.) shall be provided with remote monitoring system (RMS). Guidelines has been issued to All the ADC-cum-CPOs vide dated 16.12.2022 to collect the user share over & above the subsidy for Solar Street Lights and Solar High Mast Lights from the eligible applicants & send the user share to Head Office.