The Energy Conservation Act 2001 empowered the central government to prescribe an Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC). ECBC was launched in May 2007, developed by an Expert committee set up by India’s Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), as a first step towards promoting energy efficiency in the building sector. The updated version of ECBC was launched in 2017 and further amended in 2020. The Department of New and Renewable Energy (DNRE)/ Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA) is the Nodal Agency for implementation of Energy Conservation Act, 2001 in the Haryana. The Govt. of Haryana vide notification ref. no. 19/06/2016-P dated 31.03.2016 has mandated the implementation of ECBC in the state. ECBC sets minimum energy standards for various categories of commercial building such as Business, Hospitality, Health care, Educational, Shopping complex, Assembly, etc. having connected load in excess of 100 kW or Contract demand of 120 kVA and above. The provision of this code applies to various types of building systems including: Building Envelope, Comfort System and Controls, Lighting & Controls and Electrical & Renewable Energy Systems.
Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, Govt. of India has launched Energy Conservation Building Code for Residential Buildings named as Eco-Niwas Samhita (ENS) in December, 2018. The code is applicable to Residential buildings built on a plot area ≥ 500 m2 and / or residential part of mixed land-use building projects built on a plot area of ≥ 500 m2. Eco Niwas Samhita – Part II has launched in July, 2021 and is for code compliance. ENS-II sets minimum requirements for electro-mechanical systems used in building services and indoor electrical end-use. ENS-II sets minimum requirements for renewable energy systems integration.